Sep 19, 2009

Sculpture, grapes and El profe

I'm feeling energetic today like I could do a thousand things I left unfinished along the way. It's such a strange feeling I have whenever autumn jumps forth. It's a gloomy season - it rains almost all the time or we have downpour showers, everything is dying: the leaves of the trees, the sky who takes up that sorrowful gray. Yet, the energy that comes with every change somehow puts me on my feet and ideas start dancing in my brain.
So, in order to use this electrical boost, I thought a sculpture course it's the appropriate choice. Boy, was I right! It's a magical feeling to be able to create a human figure with your own hands. You have such liberty of expression: you can change its features with one finger shift. I've spent hours just playing like that: from a totem figure I ended up, with some help, to have a human figure with a lively expression. If his lips were opened wider, I think he might have start breathing:) Anyways, tomorrow I will have a second session that implies also drawing. I hope it turns out ok, I already know that it'll be fun.
Fall is also grapes season which I used to eat a lot back home while watching my favorite Argentinian soap: El profe. The plot was no mystery, but I liked the atmosphere, the chats around a cup of mate, the obsessive rhythms of tango. I relive the memory while enjoying my hometown grapes in dark burgundy and yellowish saffron and listening to Astor Piazzolla.

Sep 2, 2009

Against terror in the world

Terror with red curtains at the window,
Their shape drowning
In your throat
And whispering despair
With each heart beat.

Aug 23, 2009

Rumplo....amazing tees by exciting new artists

An artist that I know - Cristina Papacu - has recently joined the Rumplo community of amazing Tee design. On her blog: you can find her beautiful ideas and learn much more about her. Here's one of her designs custom made for me for the Metallica gig from 2008(we just inverted from white to black and from red to white):

On Rumplo I've found some great artwork displayed on Tees from these promising artists:

Joe Carr:

Legend of Icarus

Jesse Lefkowitz:

The bull, the balloon,the bee

Tang Yau Hoong:


Matt Leyen:

Composition: piano, typing machine, scores

Aug 21, 2009

Next on dance row: Parov Stelar on September 25th

The next concert on the line: Parov Stelar Band in Silver Church on 25th of September. I'll hear the frenetic "Chambermaid Swing" and "Kiss kiss" and "A night in Torino". I'll dance till i drop dead from the sound!!!!!!!!

Hungary on page

Hello user from Hungary...from Tplnszentkereszt, Vas...who are you? I've seen you checked my blog almost every day(thanks to the sitemeter counting visits system). Can you tell me a little about yourself?

Aug 17, 2009

Editors made my summer

I wanted to do something amazing this summer, but for various reasons i couldn't attend Sziget or Peninsula(Prodigy, Parov Stelar and Nine Inch Nails played there) or Sinarville(featuring Kumm and Urma - two extraordinary Romanian bands), but i did go to Editors last night. And, boy, I was so happy to have attended! Whenever the guitars took their rightful place on each gorgeous Editor member everybody just snaped and danced like crazy. You could feel the energy of the crowd when the sound flowed naturally from the stage to each ecstatic fan. Tom Smith just ran all night from one corner to the other and that guitar didn't feel like a prop at all. It was glued to him and it produced the most amazing sounds ever. He really feels the music he’s playing, his expressions show it beautifully. I liked also the electronical approach, but since we haven't heard the new songs we took our time to listen and tried to burst with joy and energy on the well known songs: "An end has a start", "Bullets”, “Munich”, “The Racing Rats”, “Camera” and “Lights”. To sum it all up, it was thrilling and I do hope they come again soon as they promised, after all each end has a start and maybe not so far in time.
It’s IAMX’s turn on 1st of October. Can’t wait!

Jul 22, 2009

nightlight inspiration

Bulb light
Cotton candy
Stuffed with stars

Jul 3, 2009

Poetry and Jazz Marathon Tonight

Tonight I'll be accomplishing a childhood dream: to attend an event where poetry and jazz "talk to each other" and envelope the senses.

Jun 14, 2009


Been reading a lot of poetry these days. I think summer is the perfect time to let my imagination run free under the inspirational power of the sun. So I've clipped on my dorm wall four sheets of paper to fill with poetry. I might get some ideas just by carefully observing Peter Callesen works available here.

May 24, 2009

The silence

This sculpture by Antoine Augustin Preault is a recurrent image in my head these days. I keep asking myself what is the meaning of the finger that rests on her lips. It's a call to silence, but why is it necessary when the wrappings almost absorb her figure. She's going to be consumed by that silence anyway...But then I could see why...maybe it's not about her, but us the ones that are watching. It may try to say: take a moment of silence and let yourself wrapped up in your may be a constructive silence. Possibly the one that lead to these fine works of art by Japanese artist Aya Kato:

May 17, 2009

Night of the museums

Last night I watched Lorna's Silence at my favorite cinema. Really sad story depicted with documentary precision. Here's a trailer.
Then enjoyed watching shorts while standing in line to visit the Museum of Contemporary Art. You could see some of them here.
A truly interesting night filled with paintings, music, poetry, nice cool air just flowing the streets, many people driven to see as much as they can, one crowded bus for the museums tour, art discussion, art fun, jokes, laughter.

May 7, 2009

To English and to Placebo on 21st of June 09

I've decided to begin writing my blog in English. It will allow more people to understand me, get inspired or just share with me their thoughts.
June approaches and with it comes also a much waited Placebo gig. They have only been once in Romania and I didn't get to hear them play, so I'm pretty excited about it. These are two of my favorites songs which I'm dying to sing along on 21st of June. Enjoy life every minute:

"You're my new Achilles heel"

Apr 6, 2009

Bat for Lashes: un sound unic, o voce hipnotizanta, versuri care cer auditii multiple:

Mar 28, 2009

Spring renewal

Si cum se apropie cu pasi repezi luna Aprilie bogata in semnificatii pentru mine, cred ca un mic plan de spring renewal shopping e start....

Pe am gasit accesoriile:
-de la emmeline:

o farama de imaginatie in stilul Salvador Dali

si o defragmentare a timpului

-de la Radha by Oana:

un pandativ caruia ii se pot atribui multiple sensuri

Iar pe bretelele cu Jazz mi-au facut cu ochiul:

Hope you are inspired!

Mar 22, 2009


Intr-un oras din Maroc - Chaouen - nuantele de alb si albastru ale peretilor si portilor au inceput sa se prelinga pe strazi cu intentia de a crea o singura dimensiune de vis, relaxare, magie. Astfel, fiecare coltisor si-a pierdut contururile bine definite de linii drepte, imprumutand ceva din unduirea valurilor ....

Mar 21, 2009

Saturday early creative session

Ziua a inceput pe la 4 a.m. cu o sesiune creativa intrerupta de o scurta abandonare in bratele somnului. O sonerie de telefon a rupt tacerea pe la 9 si mi-am regasit inspiratia si curajul de a posta si pe o varianta de logo de care pot spune ca sunt mandra:

IP Pinata - postata pe blogul Institutului Polonez

Leftover cu personalitate definita ulterior

Totul pe muzica celor de la Flunk care ma obsedeaza de vreo doua zile incoace prin vocea solistei, versurile ce insinueaza starea de spirit visatoare, nostalgica ascultatorului, linia melodica atat de potrivita cu bataile inimii socheaza sincronul n-am mai patit de mult asa ceva...ascultati si asta.

Mar 19, 2009

Spring to come

Mi-am facut cont pe si pe baza trupelor si artistilor pe care i-am introdus in Library mi s-a recomandat Telepopmusik Radio...astfel am descoperit piesa de la Flunk - " Spring to come to my kingdom"...ceea ce astept cu nerabdare inca de pe 1 martie:

Mar 18, 2009

Omuletul cu rama

Omuletul cu rama a.k.a. logoul Institutului Polonez mi-a inspirat urmatoarea sesiune creativa:


The Dark Ages meet Copernicus meet the Matrix

Kieslowski's Decalogue

IP s.o.s.


Mar 15, 2009

Despre starea de bine

In sfarsit pot trai prima zi de primavara adevarata din noul an. Si asa cum se revarsa lumina soarelui peste toate obiectele intr-o imbratisare indelung asteptata asa se insinueaza si imaginile in nuante calde de bomboane fondante ale unor lucruri stranse de-a lungul timpului. Totul incadrat de fondul muzical asigurat de Primavara lui Antonio Vivaldi. Imaginile sunt de fapt fotografii apartinand lui Livy si postate pe blogul personal pe 3 martie 2009.

Mar 7, 2009

Reinterpretare logo Institutul Polonez

Incitata de ideea de a gasi noi sensuri pentru logoul creat pentru Institutul Polonez, m-am decis sa dedic sambata asta unei sesiuni creative. Ce a rezultat din Adobe Illustrator si ce va aparea si pe blogul dedicat concursului: :

Mar 1, 2009 intuneric de vara

Intr-o vara pe cand eram inca in liceu, m-am gandit sa experimentez ceva...Pe vremea aceea imi petreceam timpul citind multa poezie: Stefan Augustin Doinas, Rainer Maria Rilke, Tudor Arghezi, Lucian Blaga. O noua lume a cuvintelor m-a fermecat si, "imbibata" de afluxul de versuri, m-am hotarat sa incerc sa scriu si eu ...dar totul sa se petreaca pe intuneric(fiindca in opinia mea noaptea era cel mai linistit si mai bogat in inspiratie moment, dar si dintr-un impuls dadaist de a scrie ce-mi trece prima data prin minte, abandonat insa in favoarea sensului). A fost un pic mai greu sa descifrez a doua zi ce am scris...dar cuvintele reveneau pana la urma din sfera amintirii ca sa-mi elucideze misterul de pe pagina...

Astazi, tot frunzarind prin foile mai vechi din vremea aia, am gasit si incercarile mele si m-am gandit sa le redau aici:

Cantecul rozei dimineata
Dimensiunea fontului
Vinisoare dalbe si firave
Ale vitraliului cioburi jilave

Timbru de vara,
Ce tii de cart in acorduri melopeice
Lacrima de smarald sprintena
Aseaza-te in causul palmelor mele
Si sopteste-mi....

Tu de la care sanu-ti am supt
Laptoasa seva a vietii
Tu ce paienjenisul ochilor ce ti l-ai infrant
Spre a ne veghea seara de seara somnul

Frunze, fragilitate primavaratica
Trunchi, nimfa incremenita
Ram, cusatura pe cer
Ce innozi un petec d'eter

Noaptea si-a implantat
in petecul reavan patat
de colb presarat din a lunii


Shoji pictat cu albastrele
De degete subtiri solare

Pod arcuit al unei vesnic inecate Venetii
Ce se ascunde in cocoasa umbrei tale?
Sa fie buze incolacite miruite cu ale dragostei libatii?
Catre mama

Zorii muiati in lumina de vara
Te cheama iar pe prispa afara
Raza din soare desprinsa
Vin de-ti saluta ale tale plapande surori
Infimi firicele de aur ce gradina scaldat-au
In baia de chihlimbar a diminetii
*Shoji=panouri glisante, constituite dintr-un schelet de lemn pe care e lipita o hartie translucida, utilizate in casa japoneza traditionala ca mijloc de separare intre interior si copertina care da in gradina.

Un site unde puteti citi si trai poezie este: E sursa mea saptamanala pentru doza de Lucian Blaga si Ana Blandiana.

Feb 27, 2009

Spray painting....and the universe at the other end

Nimic nu e intamplator si o dovada a convingerii mele se regaseste in acest clip de pe, alternativa la Youtube, Megavideo si altele de genul.

Super Sprayer - The most popular videos are here

Stumble Upon Toolbar

Iar o alta surpriza va asteapta in clipul urmator ce apare intr-o selectie pe :

Stumble Upon Toolbar